Strategic Philanthropy for the Arts

Collaboration and Partnerships for a Meaningful Impact

October 22nd, 2024
Sala 1 LAC - Lugano Arte e Cultura, Lugano


Scientific coordination
Angela Greco Head of Philanthropy Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana


In its first edition (October 2022), the Strategic Philanthropy for the Arts Forum focused on pioneers and inspiring visions: groundbreaking experiences from all corners of the globe came together and helped create a common innovative conception of philanthropy in contemporary society. On the occasion, many speakers emphasized that at the basis of each philanthropic story and experience there were specific characteristics that determined their success, but what brought them together was the ability to involve, to make an idea a shared project. Collaboration and partnership, in fact, are key elements, capable of transforming those involved and achieving lasting results. During the 2024 edition we will highlight the role played by collaboration, through four panels and four agoras with prominent speakers interacting with the audience, through which we will explore with an interdisciplinary approach collaboration as a driver for creativity, the social impact of ensemble music, the costs and limits for successful partnerships, and new forms of collaboration for inclusive development.

Strategic partnerships and philanthropy are indeed genetic traits of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, a charitable foundation born of the philanthropic vision of Armin Brenner, then president of the European Union of Music Schools and the European Youth Orchestra. After founding and directing the Pratteln School of Music and fostering the creation of 13 music schools, Brenner in 1985 left all these commitments and moved to Lugano with his wife, where he founded the Accademia di Musica della Svizzera Italiana, which in 1988 became the vibrant Lugano School of Music. Today the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana is one of the most important institutions for music education in Switzerland and internationally. For more than 37 years it has been working for the enhancement of musical culture, thanks to a highly qualified administrative structure, an internationally renowned teaching staff and its three departments (School of Music - SMUS, Pre-College - PRE, and University of Music - SUM) that promote excellence in music education in Ticino (SMUS and PRE) and internationally (SUM).

As a private nonprofit institution, the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana relies primarily on its own resources, for its institutional development, on the commitment of its major donors who also belong to the Associazione Amici del Conservatorio.
For the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, strategic philanthropy is a passion, not just a priority. That is why we are committed to promoting and facilitating the exchange of best practices and innovative visions of strategic philanthropy, involving leading organizations, philanthropists, and artists.

Our heartfelt gratitude to all the partners and participants of this day, who made the second edition of the Impact Forum unique and full of value!


Collaboration as Trigger for the Future of Arts, and Culture

09:00 am
Welcoming Breakfast & Registration

09:20 am
Opening musical interlude

09:30 am
Institutional Greeting
Ina Piattini Pelloni President Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana
Carlo Donadini President Associazione degli Amici del Conservatorio 
Roberto Badaracco President LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura and Deputy Mayor of the City of Lugano

09:45 am
Paolo Bernasconi Founder Bernasconi, Martinelli, Alippi & Partner

10:15 am
Leonida Fusani Director Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Head of Department of Behavioural & Cognitive Biology
Andrew Holland Director Stiftung Mercator Schweiz 
Karole Vail Director Peggy Guggenheim Collection Venice
Franco Polloni Head of Switzerland EFG Bank

11:15 am
Niccolò Branca President and CEO Branca International Group

11:30 am
Musical interlude

11:40 am
Janice Harper Smith Opera/Concert Singer i.r. and Teacher
Matthew Hinsley Executive Director Austin Classical Guitar
Christine Rhomberg Member of the Executive Board at Hilti Foundation
Luca Medici Director Scuola di Musica del Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana

12:40 pm
Daniela Ambrosoli President Pierino Ambrosoli Stiftung

12:55–02:00 pm
Lunch break


Perspectives and Visions of Strategic Philanthropy for the Arts

02:00 pm
Musical interlude

02:10 pm
Jeff Arnal Executive Director at Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center
Daniela Perani Neuroscientist and Professor at Università Vita-San Raffaele 
Marco Poloni Artist and Director Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive
Francesco Bossaglia Delegate for ensemble and orchestral activities at Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana

03:10 pm
Andrea Amarante Director of Music Department LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura
Numa Bischof-Ullmann Superintendent of the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra

03:25 pm
Musical interlude

03:30 pm
Tessy Britton Founder Participatory City and Ashoka Fellow
Carole Haensler Director Musei Villa dei Cedri, President Verband der Museen der Schweiz
Julia Sanchez Abeal CEO Reina Sofia Music School Madrid
Christoph Brenner Director Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana

04:30 pm
Werner Bachstein Director of the Community Arts Lab - Porticus initiative

04:45 pm
Musical interlude and Apero