Following the suspension of negotiations with the EU to join the Erasmus+ programme, the Federal Council has adopted a transitional solution to continue to allow students, teachers and administrative staff of the institutions to implement exchange projects in Europe.
The “Swiss-European mobility programme” (SEMP) will enable exchanges between Switzerland and universities in Erasmus+ countries with an Erasmus+ University Charter.
Funds provided by the Confederation will be used to finance both outgoing mobility costs and the costs of foreign participants in Swiss mobility projects (incoming). Payment of these costs is, however, subject to the guidelines of the Swiss National Agency and the number of grants made available annually.
More information is available on the website of the State Office for training, research and innovation (SEFRI) and on the website of the National Agency (Movezia)
The SEMP programme offers three types of mobility:
The University School of Music does not accept applications for student mobility for placements.
Funding is set by the National Agency (Movetia) from year to year and can be found on the Agency's website (click on “Contributions for incoming and outgoing mobility”).
The programme allows students to spend a period of study (1 or 2 academic semester) at a university school in another European country. Applications for student mobility for study purposes must comply with the following conditions:
Deadline |
Applications must be submitted no later than 31 March of each year for the following academic year. |
Applications must be submitted by the deadline of each partner institution. |
Documentation |
All applications must be accompanied by:
Other documentation will be requested once the application has been accepted. |
Partner institutions have specific requirements, but usually the following documentation is requested:
Students may contact Hernando Florez for assistance in completing the forms. |
How to apply |
We accept applications in one of the following ways:
Each partner institution has their own application procedure. Students may contact Hernando Florez for further details. |
Confirmation |
Incoming applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by a special committee and the final decision is made by the end of June. |
The decision on outgoing applications depends on the partner school. |
The programme also allows lecturers at the Conservatorio University School of Music to carry out educational activities in a partner school and vice versa. This teaching activity includes at least eight hours of lessons and can last up to a maximum of six weeks. Applications for this type of mobility must comply with the following conditions:
Deadline |
Applications must be submitted no later than 31 March of each year for the following academic year. |
Applications must be submitted no later than 31 March of each year for the following academic year.
Guidelines |
Incoming applications are assessed in two different ways depending on the type of educational activity. Masterclass applications are forwarded to the relevant lecturers who decide, in agreement with the head of studies, whether or not the masterclass can be included in the curriculum of the following academic year. All other applications (e.g. for theoretical seminars) must be accompanied by a detailed description of the proposed seminar (description, learning objectives, methodologies, materials required, etc.) and will be evaluated by a special committee. |
Outgoing STA applications must meet the criteria of the host partner school. SUM lecturers are asked to contact Hernando Florez for more detailed information.
Documentation |
All receipts relating to transport costs for both outward and return journeys must be attached to this documentation. |
All receipts relating to transport costs for both outward and return journeys must be attached to this documentation.
Confirmation |
Depending on the type of application, a response will be given between March and June of the current academic year. |
Confirmations are issued based on the criteria and timetables of the host partner school. |
This programme allows the staff of the Conservatoire University School of Music (lecturers and associates) to spend a period of training (between 3 working days and 6 weeks) at a company, organisation or higher education institution in another participating country.
The candidate must submit a plan of work to their own institute, which must first be approved by their supervisor and the SUM director, and then by the host company/institute. The programme does not fund language courses and conferences.
Applications for this type of mobility must comply with the following conditions:
Deadline |
Applications must be submitted no later than 31 March of each year for the following academic year. |
Applications may be submitted at any time, but no later than two months before the date of departure. The teaching and administrative staff of the University School must state their intention to undertake an STT by February 28th each year.
Guidelines |
The candidate must submit a proposed plan of work that will be examined and, if appropriate, amended by the relevant person. The candidate should draw up a list of questions and expectations to be used as a basis for drawing up a possible training offer.
The candidate must submit a detailed plan of work which must include at least the following elements: overall purpose and objectives, expected outcomes of training or learning activities and a programme for the period of mobility.
Documentation |
All receipts relating to transport costs for both outward and return journeys must be attached to this documentation. |
All receipts relating to transport costs for both outward and return journeys must be attached to this documentation. |
Confirmation |
Depending on the type of application, as response should be issued within one or two months. |
The application must be agreed with the direct superior and approved by the SUM director. Confirmation of the application will also depend on the company, organisation or partner institute that will be hosting the candidate. |
Application deadline: 5 May, 2025
Audition date: 12 May, 2025
Apply by email: