Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Audience Engagement

Empowering people towards cultural participation 


Scientific Advisor: Alessandra Gariboldi - President Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (Turin, IT).

International data on cultural participation show that the goal of granting access to arts and culture to everybody and everywhere is not achieved yet. The debate on cultural democracy is more emphasized than ever, and the pandemic showed how important the audience is to give meaning to the cultural offer.

In this context, cultural organisations must rethink their role within their communities and challenge how they engage with them.

Application deadline: 23th September 2022.

Download the brochure

What you will get

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Audience Engagement takes participants through a three-month journey to dive into the International debate on cultural participation and discover the most recent and innovative experiences to engage with audiences, including most recent learnings in European projects and International research. Involving renowned guest speakers from all over Europe, the programme provides an introduction to the theoretical framework of cultural participation, as well as a practical workshop to experiment new methodologies and tools to adopt an audience-centric approach.

Participants have the opportunity to:

  • develop a deeper understanding of audience-focused policies and the ongoing debate on cultural participation;
  • get to know a broad range of practices all around Europe;
  • connect to International experts and renowned professionals in the field;
  • learn new methodologies and tools to support your job in developing innovative and creative experiences to engage with the audiences.

The programme mailnly focues on the following topics:

  • cultural participation and cultural democracy: what is there behind these concepts;
  • the evolution of the “audience development” concept;
  • challenging perspectives: the decolonisation of culture;
  • empowering people, inside and outside cultural institutions;
  • from participation to co-creation: redistribution of power among audiences;
  • understand your audiences: from marketing information systems to empathy approaches;
  • visitor studies: how to conduct your research;
  • design thinking applied to audience engagement;
  • experimenting with prototypes for different audiences;
  • from prototypes to long-term audience strategies.


Delivered in English, the course articulates six learning modules (online learning) and an Audience Experience Design Lab (in-person learning, Lugano-Switzerland), with 84 hours of training sessions overall, from October 20, 2022 to February 4, 2023. Each online learning module articulates three sessions of 3,5 hours, from Thursday to Saturday, every other week:

  • Thursday and Friday 3.30 pm - 7.00 pm
  • Saturday 9.30 am - 1.00 pm

The Audience Experience Design Lab is a full-time workshop from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Candidates have full access to a digital platform with an updated library and research material.


The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Audience Engagement is promoted by Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) with the scientific collaboration of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (Turin, Italy). The course’s Scientific Advisor is Alessandra Gariboldi - President Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (Turin, Italy). Amongst the many academics and other experts involved, the faculty includes: The Audience Agency (London, UK), Matteo Plachesi - FRIEZE Head of Marketing and Membership (London, UK), Maria Chiara Ciaccheri - founder Museumsforpeople.com (Italy), Silvia Mascheroni - Università Cattolica di Milano (Italy), Luisella Carnelli - Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (IT), Ilidio Louro - Mapa das Ideias (PT), Beata Dubiel Stawska - Grupa b8 (PL).


Cultural Participation and Audience Engagement: Principles and Trends
2 ECTS Oct 20-21-22, 2022 (online learning)

Understand your Audience
2 ECTS Nov 3-4-5, 2022 (online learning)

Marketing Strategies
2 ECTS Nov 17-18-19, 2022 (online learning)

Accessibility Studies
2 ECTS Dec 1-2-3, 2022 (online learning)

Arts Education and Participation in Arts Practices
2 ECTS Dec 15-16-17, 2022 (online learning)

Audience Experience Design Lab
1,5 ECTS Jan 19-20-21, 2023 (in person learning)

Embedding an Audience Strategy
2 ECTS Feb 2-3-4, 2023 (online learning)

Final test
1,5 ECTS Feb 4, 2023 


The total cost of the course is CHF 4’000. It includes:

CHF 2’750 (enrolment fee plus first payment) at the confirmation of enrolment;
CHF 1’250 (second payment plus exam fee and certification) in February 2023.

Admission procedures

Minimum of three years work experience, good knowledge of the English language.
Candidates are invited to submit their application by filling an online form at the following LINK.

The number of students in this class is limited to 25 (applications will be processed in order of appearance).

Assessment and evaluation

Learning modules include lectures, seminars, team workshops, and mentoring sessions.
At the end of the programme, participants obtain certification upon passing an evaluation test. The course leads to the acquisition of 15 ECTS credits. The certification is awarded once the costs have all been paid.

  • The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Audience Engagement degree is awarded by the University of Music of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana. The titles that it awards are recognised by the Federal Government according to the law (HEdA - September 30, 2011).

    Combined with two other CAS plus a final thesis, this certification leads to the Master of Advanced Studies in Cultural Management degree (www.conservatorio.ch/mas-in-cultural-management).

  • At the end of their studies, participants will obtain the title on condition that they:

    • have acquired all required ECTS credits;
    • have successfully taken the final examination;
    • have paid the fees. 


  • The course is subject to the current Regulations of Studies of the University of Music. The University of Music reserves the right not to activate the course if the necessary conditions are not met.

    Repetition of the final exam: if students do not sit the final exam, or do not pass it successfully, they can ask to repeat it in a later session. Students can request to postpone the final exam for one or a maximum of two consecutive semesters. For each postponed semester the University of Music will invoice students only the administrative fee of CHF 250.

    Suspension of studies: in exceptional cases, and with the authorization of the Head of Continuing Education, students may request to temporarily suspend their studies for one or a maximum of two consecutive semesters. For each semester of suspension, the University of Music will invoice students only the administrative fee of CHF 250.

    Withdrawal of studies: if students decide to withdraw from their studies, their request must be sent (by certified mail) the Segreteria didattica, by the 15th March 2022. If the deadline is not respected, students will be invoiced for all regular fees.