The Conservatorio activities start again


In the last few weeks the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana has resumed its activities with the wide range of courses offered by its three departments (Music School-SMUS, Pre-College-PRE and University School-SUM) and with a full calendar of events and concerts.

With regard to on-campus activities, the rules remain as they were last year, with one exception: participation in public events and concerts, for which, as of 12 September 2021, a Covid certificate will be required by government regulations from the age of 16.

Access by third parties, unless expressly authorised, is still prohibited.

The full provisions on pandemic management are contained in the Conservatorio's Protection Plan, which can be consulted on the Institute's website at the following LINK.


The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana wishes all its users a new school/academic year full of music and emotions!