Coronavirus - update


As reported in the media, the SSR (Swiss Radio and Television Broadcast company) has issued a series of guidelines that look at preventing the risk of coronavirus infection thus guaranteeing their public service mandate.

These guidelines have been also applied to our Radio Campus in Via Canevascini 5, which is owned by SSR itself. 

According to the guidelines, all persons who live in—or who have visited in the last two weeks—one of the areas currently considered to be at risk by the Federal Office of Public Health (Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Singapore, China, Iran and South Korea) are not allowed to access the building. 

In agreement with the RSI (Radiotelevisione Svizzera italiana) Director we will inform you as soon as this access restriction will be revoked. 

In the meantime, the Segreteria Didattica will assist you in rescheduling all lessons.