Solidarity fund for students

In response to the current Covid-19 emergency the Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana has launched a fundraising campaign to support its students during these difficult times.

The cancellation of all concerts and events has in fact deprived many students of an important, and often unique, source of income. Moreover, some students can no longer count on the support of their families as these also are being affected by the general shut-down of economic activities, and will most likely suffer its long-term consequences.

Thanks to this campaign from now on students most in need of financial support will have the chance to submit a request for an Emergency Scholarship. After reviewing the applications the school will transfer the granted amounts straight to the students’ bank accounts in proportion with their specific needs.

The current pandemic forces us to take on an active role supporting our society, especially in the artistic field which is now suffering the effects of forced isolation and will be most likely affected in the future by the economic consequences of this crisis. Hopefully this fundraising campaign will manage to gather the generosity of numerous people and institutions in order to act as quickly as possible to the benefit of young musicians.

In order to help students overcome this situation, we have instituted a Solidarity Fund:

Banca dello Stato del Canton Ticino, 6501 Bellinzona
Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana
Fondo di solidarietà
IBAN: CH60 0076 4372 7664 Y000 5
Clearing: 00764
CCP: 65-433-5

You can also donate by credit card.


We express in advance our most heartfelt "Thank you!" to all of those who wish to contribute to this cause.

Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, 31 March 2020)



Donated funds: CHF 555'855

Emergency Scholarship awarded: 252

(updated to 2 May 2022)


The Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana is a Swiss non-profit private foundation. According to Swiss legislation, all donations in its favour are therefore tax-deductible in Switzerland. At your request, we will be happy to provide you with a donation certificate which can be used for tax deduction purposes.



Solidaritätsfonds für Studierende

Die Stiftung Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana hat einen Solidaritätsfonds geschaffen, um die Studierenden ihrer Musikhochschule, die aufgrund der aktuellen Pandemie und ihrer wirtschaftlichen Folgen in schwere finanzielle Not geraten sind, schnell und effizient zu unterstützen.

Dank dieses neugeschaffenen Fonds können in Not geratene Studierende ab sofort ein Not-Stipendium beantragen, mittels einer unkomplizierten und unbürokratischen Prozedur, die sich, nach Prüfung der Konditionen und der finanziellen Bedürftigkeit, in einer direkten Überweisung eines Unterstützungsbeitrages auf das Bank-/Postkonto der Studierenden auswirkt.

Die Annullation sämtlicher Konzerte und Veranstaltungen entzieht den Studierenden eine wichtige, wenn nicht gar ihre einzige Erwerbsquelle. Darüber hinaus beraubt die weitgehende Stilllegung der Wirtschaft sie nicht nur ihrer Nebenerwerbsmöglichkeiten, sondern häufig auch der familiären Unterstützung. 

Ziel des Solidaritätsfonds ist das Vermeiden finanzieller Notlagen mittels einer direkten Unterstützung, die den Studierenden erlaubt, mit etwas mehr Optimismus in die Zukunft zu blicken.

«Wir sind Zeitzeugen einer noch nie dagewesenen Situation. Die Annullierung sämtlicher musikalischer Veranstaltungen über eine längere Zeit trifft besonders junge Musikerinnen und Musiker, die sich eh schon in einer prekären Lage befinden» führt Ina Piattini Pelloni, Präsidentin des Stiftungsrates, aus. «In diesem speziellen Moment appelliere ich an die Solidarität zur Unterstützung dieser jungen Studierenden, die sich mit Leidenschaft und zahlreichen Opfern ihrer und unserer Kunst widmen. »

Kunst und Kultur, die gerade im Bereich der Performance nicht ohne den Austausch mit ihrem Publikum auskommen, wird in diesen Monaten forcierter Isolation ein schwerer Schlag versetzt. «Der Schutz und die Unterstützung unserer musikalischen Talente», fügt Christoph Brenner, Generaldirektor des Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana und seiner Musikhochschule hinzu, «wird uns erlauben, schnell zur Normalität zurückzukehren – dann, wenn wir Kunst und Kultur, insbesondere die Musik, besonders nötig haben werden. »

Die Initiative setzt auf die Grosszügigkeit der Spenderinnen und Spender um die jungen Musikerinnen und Musiker möglichst rasch zu unterstützen.

Banca dello Stato del Canton Ticino, 6501 Bellinzona

Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana

Fondo di solidarietà

IBAN: CH60 0076 4372 7664 Y000 5


Clearing: 00764
CCP: 65-433-5

Es ist auch möglich, per Kreditkarte zu spenden.




Angela Greco
+41 (0)91 960 23 65

Alessio Allegrini, who recently joined the Professor staff at CSI, dedicates a deep thought in support of the Solidarity Fund for students. It is important to continue giving, the world needs culture, it needs music.

Lisa Bulfon, a viola student at CSI, dedicates as sign of gratitude, the beginning of a famous piece by Faurè, originally written for voice and piano, to all those who have donated to the Solidarity Fund.

In this moment of limbo in which the cultural/musical world has stopped, many young musicians are suffering the consequences. Andrea Oliva shares important words with all of us.

Massimiliano Favella is a student of Enrico Fagone at CSI and he was helped too by all those who donated to the Solidarity Fund. This is his thank you message.

"It has been a difficult time, but you have made it easier. [...] Words cannot describe how grateful we are for the help we have received"; with these words Yahua Wang, a Chinese violin student in Massimo Quarta's class, would like to thank who donate to the Solidarity Fund.

Thanks to Gabor Meszaros, bassoon and chamber music professor

Thanks to Brunella Clerici, Coro di voci bianche Clairière and youth choir conductor

"This donation has helped me not to give up and believe in a better future. It has given me the strength to continue making art." These are the words of Olga Artyugina, a Russian violinist and student of Sergej Krylov.

Thanks to Giulia Genini, co-head of study courses and performance area

Robert Kowalski, Konzertmeister of the OSI - Orchestra della Svizzera italiana, is also an alumni of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana. As a musician and former student, he cares about expressing how important is to support young musicians and music.

Thanks to Danilo Rossi, viola professor

Gaspare Renna is among the students of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana who have received help through the Solidarity Fund. This is his thank zou message for all those who have donated.

Many thanks to Anna Modesti, professor of violin and viola pedagogy, for this message in support of the Solidarity Fund for CSI students.

Emre Türktopu is Turkish and studies oboe. He received help from the Solidarity Fund; this is his way to thank everyone who believed in this project and decided to support it.

A thank you message from Valeria Vertemati, flutist student of the Master of Arts in Music Performance with Andrea Oliva, who, thanks to the generosity of many people, was able to benefit from an emergency scholarship.


Thanks to Zeno Gabaglio, professor of improvisation and President of the Cantonal Subcommittee for Music

Many thanks to Arturo Tamayo, artistic consultant and main conductor of 900presente season, for his message in favor of the Solidarity Fund.

Veronika Prosypkina is a Russian master student, one of those who received the emergency scholarships from the Solidarity Fund. Like her colleagues, she would like to thank everyone who supported the Fund.

Thanks to Sergio Delmastro, professor of clarinet pedagogy

"The music opens horizons of beauty, and this beauty must be safeguarded."
This is a short excerpt from Gaja Maffezzoli's contribution, professor of transcription and composition elements in the context of teaching at the CSI, in favor of the Solidarity Fund.


Vittorio Passerini studied with Pavel Berman and now studies with Alessandro Moccia and, like many of his colleagues, the Solidarity Fund has been an important help in this difficult moment. This is his thank you message to all those who have donated.


Thanks to Mauro Harsch, piano professor

Alessandro Prandi is a Master student at the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana and, like many of his colleagues, wants to thank those who generously donated to the Solidarity Fund.

Jonas Morkūnas is Lithuanian and a clarinet master student at CSI. This is his message of gratitude for those who supported the Solidarity Fund.


Minji Kim is Korean and a singer. She recorded this video to thank heartily for the help she received through the Solidarity Fund.

Leonardo Nevari is a pianist, studying composition with Nadir Vassena. In order to thank everyone who supported the Solidarity Fund, he dedicates the prelude of Arnold Schönberg's Piano Suite.

Lorenzo D'Antò studies flute with Andrea Oliva and, through this message, wants to express his gratitude to those who have donated to the Solidarity Fund.

Vera Alperovich is Russian and studies piano with Vovka Ashkenazy. Like many of her colleagues, she would like to express her gratitude for having received support through the Solidarity Fund.

With this wonderful music Antonio Pellegrino, cellist, and student of Enrico Dindo, expresses his gratitude to all the people who generously donated to the Solidarity Fund.

Arianna Di Martino studies cello with Asier Polo. The help received from the Solidarity Fund allowed her to face some important expenses at a time when all events have been canceled.

Géssica Sant'Ana is from Brazil and studies viola with Yuval Gotlibovich. To thank those who generously donated to the Solidarity Fund, she dedicates this video.

Nicolò Neri is a cellist, student of the Master of Arts in Music Performance with Asier Polo. This is his thank you message for those who have donated to the Solidarity Fund.

Enrico Fagone, teacher of double bass at CSI, together with his former students Jonas Villegas Sciara, Kaludia Baca, and Leonardo Bozzi, explain to us why it is important to receive a scholarship, what a big difference it can make financial help when you are a student.


Matteo Arcieri attends the Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy with Jorge Monte de Fez.
"Thanks to this help, we can continue this so important academic degree", he says and with this video he thanks all the supporters of the Solidarity Fund.


Barbara Ciccone attends the Master of Arts in Music Performance with Yuval Gotlibovich. Like her colleagues, she is keen to thank those who generously donated to the Solidarity Fund.